
Eigen publicaties


  • Schelleman-Offermans K, Massar, K., Ruiter, R. Development of the Future Positive micro-intervention using Intervention Mapping: A program aiming to increase a healthy life-style among employees with a low socio-economic position (Submitted for publication).
  • Massar K, Kopplin N, Schelleman-Offermans K. Childhood Socioeconomic Position, Adult Educational Attainment and Health Behaviors : The Role of Psychological Capital and Health Literacy. 2021;18. Available: ijerph18179399
  • Schelleman-Offermans K, Massar K. Explaining socioeconomic inequalities in self-reported health outcomes: The mediating role of perceived life stress, financial self-reliance, psychological capital, and time perspective orientations. PLOS ONE. 2020;15: e0243730. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0243730

Algemene publicaties


  • Luthans F, Youssef-Morgan CM. Psychological Capital: An evidence-based positive approach. Annu Rev Organ Psychol Organ Behav. 2017;4: 339–66. doi:10.1146/annurev-orgpsych
  • Bartholomew LKE, Markham CM, Ruiter RAC, Fernández ME, Kok G, Parcel GS. Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach. 4th ed. Jossey-Bass; 2016.
  • Gallo LC, Monteros KE de los, Shivpuri S. Socioeconomic Status and Health: What is the role of Reserve Capacity? Current Directions of Psychological Science. 2009;18: 269–274.
  • Luthans F, Avey JB, Avolio BJ, Norman SM, Combs GM. Psychological capital development: Toward a micro-intervention. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2006;27: 387–393. doi:10.1002/job.373
  • Gallo LC, Matthews KA, Bogart LM, Vranceanu AM. Socioeconomic status, resources, psychological experiences, and emotional responses: A test of the reserve capacity model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2005;88: 386–399. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.88.2.386
  • Gallo LC, Matthews KA. Understanding the association between socioeconomic status and physical health: Do negative emotions play a role? Psychological Bulletin. 2003;129: 10–51. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.129.1.10
  • Wardle J, Steptoe A. Socioeconomic differences in attitudes and beliefs about healthy lifestyles. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2003;57: 440–443. doi:10.1136/jech.57.6.440
  • Motivational interviewing, preparing people to change addictive behavior. New York: The Guildford Press; 2002.

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